Tuesday, February 13, 2007

6 Wierd Things....

Amalah tagged the whole internet to do the six wierd things meme. Hey, I'm on the internet, so I guess that means me. Now, to narrow it down to only six....

1. I often have a story going on in my head, with characters, dialogue and everything. These storys change fairly often, but while they are there, they're running all day long. (I believe that this is why I need to write a novel... the stories need to get out).

2. I get teary and emotional whenever I watch a team win a major sporting event - especially hockey. I also feel extremely sad for the losing team.

3. I am a hot sauce fanatic. The spicier the better.

4. When I wish on a star, I blow it a kiss to make the wish come true.

5. I get excited in the winter when the days get shorter, and I feel sad come spring when they start getting longer. I guess this means that I am not a fan of daylight savings time.

6. They could have based Lorelei Gilmore's character on me. I've been told by many people that it's like they took my personality and made a whole show out of it. I could only wish to look like her though.....

Monday, February 12, 2007

February 11th

I miss Papa.

Yesterday, February 11th, is the anniversary of the day he died.

It makes today hard.

Happy Birthday to Me??

Hi! It's my birthday. I am officially a 30-something today. I'm not in my 20's, I'm not the big 3-0, I'm a 30-something.

It's funny, this birthday thing. I kind of feel entitled to "Something Special" today, just because it's my birthday. It has been a nice day so far. I indulged on coffee and a muffin this morning, got taken out for nice lunch with a pizza and a marg.

But, here I am with my usual birthday conundrum. Birthday's are the one day a year that are your day. However, it seems like my birthday, to most, isn't so important. Some expect large parties and presents and special outings for their big day. I don't, I would just like to have a few friends out for dinner and a little bit of fuss made over me. For some reason it seems to be a chore to some. W. didn't even call to wish me Happy Birthday this morning, my sister doesn't really want to come for dinner tonight, my friends SO probably won't bother to show up. Yet, for all of them, I'd be the first one there.

I feel a bit spoiled, with this attitude, but hey, it is my birthday after all.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


The weather is grey and wet. The fog is laying low over everything this morning and the air has that damp cold feeling that makes it impossible to warm up.

Work is overwhelming. I'm working late most days, it's a non-stop rush to get close to anything finished. I'm stressed.

Even home feels stressful right now. W. wants to go play hockey all weekend this weekend, he wants to go to Vancouver to a hockey game and he wants to go to a tournament in a couple weeks. I hate always saying no, but when he goes places it's hard on me. I try to be trusting, but I can't. I just can't. Also, our home finances suck right now. They really do. There is nothing extra and I know that if he goes to Vancouver, it's a $500 weekend. At least.

Also, it's my birthday and I can't help but feeling unimportant and abandoned if he goes. Like I don't matter.

And one more thing. We're having his relative show up this weekend to say for a while and he's dropping that on me too.

I think I'm depressed. I'm ready for winter to be over. I'm ready for the sun to come out.

Embarrassing Weigh-In: Week #6

Date: February 8, 2007
Weight: 151.8 lbs (-1.2 lbs)

I don't understand really. This week I thought was going to be good. I figured for sure the scale would say I was down. I exercised EVERY day this week and I thought that I ate pretty good. There were a few missteps on the food end. But! I hit the gym 3 times, I played hockey 3 times and I even went riding. So how do you gain another pound back??? My clothes are fitting better - I wore a pair of jeans yesterday that I haven't dared put on in months, but the scale says I've only lost a total of 1.2 lbs. I don't get it. I just don't get it. Monday is my birthday so this week I'm going to keep exercising and not worry about the food intake so much. Next week - I guess I start a serious diet plan, rather than just the exercise. If I'm going to make my goal, I need to lost 2 lbs per week for the next 6 weeks. The first 6 weeks of this diet didn't work so good.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Embarassing Weigh-In: Week #5

Date: February 1, 2007
Weight: 150.8 (-2.2 lbs total)

* I haven't even caught back up to where I was two weeks ago, but at least I'm back on the downward slope. I think though, that all the exercise working. Things are fitting a bit looser, and I'm feeling a little more comfortable in my clothes. That's something I guess.

** This means no pictures. I think I'm scrapping the pictures until there's actually something to show. Maybe at the end if I get close to my goal.

***In order to catch up, I have to get down to 148 lbs this coming week. That's only 2.8 lbs. I have three hockey games this weekend, and if I can get in some walks or pond hockey, and the gym at least three times, maybe I can do it. The good thing is that this weekend there is no appy nights. The weekends are the killers for eating crappily.